Discover Your Top 5 Personal Values So You Can ...
Feel Motivated & Powerfully Prevent, Delay Or Better Manage Type 2 Diabetes ...
Your Values ... The 'Key' To Less Stress & More Satisfaction In Your Daily Life ...

What are you a stand for in this life? …
How would you best like to use your time? …
How meaningful is your career or life purpose? ...
How happy, satisfied & fulfilled do you feel? ...
What do you want your behaviour to look like? ...
How do you treat yourself and others? ...
How would you like others to see and think about you? ...
If you could do anything, what would really 'puff' your dandelion petals?
Identifying, relating to and being mindful of your values helps you design, plan, direct and live your life according to what's most important to you. Your values reflect those core deep and meaningful elements you hold very close to your heart without compromise.
You don't ever select or 'choose' your values. They develop deep within you and arise from your core psychological needs and your sense of yourself combined with the norms of the society and environment in which you live.
Did you know that there are more than 200 different values listed. Some of your values are personal and others are life domain specific. Attempting to live my too many values is difficult and serves no purpose. It is only those most important values, the small handful of values that you hold above all other values that give your life meaning, purpose and fulfilment. This helps you to live your life from a cup that is overfilling rather than one that is less than half full or empty.
By knowing, being mindful of and putting your top 5 personal values into committed action you will live a rich, full, meaningful and quality life. Committed action means ‘doing what it takes’ to live by your values even when your circumstances, thoughts and feelings may object, cause you resistance and try to stand in your way.
Value-centred living powerfully enables you to play your life full out with integrity according to who you are and what you stand for ... so you can reach your maximum potential in a way that's aligned with your unique and individual nature, self-expression, vision, purpose, wants, needs and desires. It's a win for you whole and complete - without compromise!
22 Reasons To Discover Your Top 5 Personal Values ...
Bring New Meaning Into Your Life;
Find Your Sense Of Purpose With Enthusiasm;
Demonstrate A High Level Of Integrity;
Justify Your Actions;
Make Sense Of Your Life;
Align Your Actions With What Matters To You Most;
Make Difficult Decisions;
Authentically Express Your Uniqueness;
Deeply Understand Yourself;
Formulate Your Beliefs;
Guide Your Future Vision, Planning & Goal Achievement;
Inspire & Motivate Your Actions;
Direct Your Way Forward;
Stay On Track;
Decide What's Important To You & What's Not;
Critically Think & State Your Personal Opinion/Viewpoint;
Prevent Unwanted Emotionally Driven Behaviour;
Reduce Excessive Non-Purposeful Goal Driven Activities;
Formulate Your Easy To Use, Unique & Authentic Blueprint;
Improve Your Wellbeing;
Increase Your Happiness, Enjoyment & Life Fulfilment;
Map Out Your Golden Pathway Towards More Quality In Your Life!

How To Discover Your Top 5 Personal Core Values ...

The Lifenesse Values Discovery Pathway facilitates your exploration into your past so you can uncover your top 5 personal core values.
Designed for busy people, I deliver a total of x 8 x 1:1 x 60-90 minute deeply focused values discovery coaching sessions via zoom over approximately 15 weeks. This allows enough time in between your sessions for related reflection tasks and activities.
This program uses an evidence-based 7 step process combined with coaching methods that will help you reveal important insights about your personal core values. Hidden core values that may otherwise be overlooked, missed or not prioritized.
Patience, perseverance, conscious reflection and personal accountability assist clarity and accuracy and provide your top 5 most important values that can be used as your personal blueprint to guide and inspire value-aligned decisions, behaviour and life. When applied to everyday living this will result in a higher level of satisfaction, happines and quality in your life.
Express Your Interest In The Lifenesse Values Discovery Pathway ...
Send me a message or book a Lifenesse Creation Call via the enquiries page (this website) now to express your interest ... limited places are available so don't miss out - after business hours coaching session times for busy working people are available.

About Me (Ruth Morgan) ...
The Lifenesse Values Discovery Program has been developed and facilitated by myself and is one of the major foundational elements of all Lifenesse services.
As a qualified diabetes educator/ICU/R/N, professional health & wellness coach and with 40+ years clinical nursing experience as well as nearly 15 years patient support experience, I deliver your 1:1 deeply focused and insightful coaching sessions on type 2 diabetes prevention / management, behaviour change self-mastery and optimum health and wellbeing.
With my own top 5 personal core values of Truth, Empowerment, Expression, Wellbeing & Love ... I fully play out my own value-aligned purpose as a health & wellness coach and diabetes registered nurse specialist. My top 5 strengths of Honesty, Love, Appreciation Of Beauty & Excellence, Self-Regulation & Kindness assists your coaching conversation in positive and extra-ordinary ways with authenticity, empathy & understanding being 'key' to your self-discovery process.
References: ACT Made Simple, Russ Harris,,
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