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Let's Co-Create Your PathwayTowards Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Or Better Management ...


Free 15 Minute Type 2 Diabetes Risk Reduction / Management Call ...


  • express what a quality life would mean, look and feel like to you;

  • explore & discuss your issues and concerns around your known risk, symptoms and/or management of Type 2 Diabetes;​

  • have your Type 2 Diabetes questions answered;

  • request more information about Lifenesse services if you desire.

Lifenesse 'Thrive Your Top 5'  -  Personal Values Discovery & Vision Creation Pathway ...


An 8 week 1:1 focused values discovery and future vision creation pathway for busy working people.  Powerfully use your top 5 core personal values to inspire, motivate and guide you towards:


(a)  lowering your diabetes risk(s) to prevent and/or delay a type 2 diabetes diagnosis; or


(b)  more effectively managing your type 2 diabetes to lower your risk of complications.


This is a deep and insightful structured process that enables an authentic values-centred approach towards a type 2 diabetes prevention/management vision that holds significance, importance and personal meaning to you.


Lifenesse 'Born To Thrive' Pathway ...  for Tye 2 Diabetes Prevention ...


A 20 week 1:1 focused diabetes prevention pathway for busy working people who have a medium to high AUSDRISK score as well as modifiable lifestyle risk factors.


This pathway includes deep groundwork, self-discovery and foundational elements that provide you with insights about you, your tendencies and what's important  and unique to you. 


You will create and drive your own pathway towards your diabetes-free vision that plans, troubleshoots and achieves sustainable action that focus on correcting lifestyle and behavioural risks that are likely to cause you a diabetes diagnosis.  By doing so you are more likely to reduce your risk or type 2 diabetes.

Lifenesse 'Thrive Daily' Pathway ...  for Type 2 Diabetes Management ...


A 20 week 1:1 focused type 2 diabetes management pathway for busy working people who have a type 2 diabetes medical diagnosis and who would like to more effectively manage their blood glucose and lifestyle behaviours such that they are more likely to prevent long term complications.


This pathway includes deep groundwork, self-discovery and foundational elements that provide you with insights about you, your tendencies and what's important  and unique to you. 


You will create and drive your own pathway towards effective daily management that plans, troubleshoots and achieves sustainable actions to help you master your blood glucose, reduce symptoms, adhere to medical obligations and cope better with daily life.  By doing so you are more likely to reduce your risk of long term vascular complications.


Lifenesse 'Thrive Alive' Pathway ... for heart disease, stroke and/or osteoporosis ... 


A 20 week 1:1 focused quality of life pathway for busy working people with a formal diagnosis by a medical practitioner of chronic disease such as heart disease, stroke and/or osteoporosis.


This pathway includes deep groundwork, self-discovery and foundational elements that provide you with insights about you, your tendencies and what's important  and unique to you.  You drive your own pathway that plans, troubleshoots and achieves sustainable actions to move you towards your new quality future as you consider and focus on effective management of your chronic disease to lessen symptoms, avoid escalation and complications and prevent an additional chronic disease diagnosis.


​This Is How Your Pathway Rolls ...


Your personalized Lifenesse Pathway runs for 20 weeks - so that you can complete the self-discovery groundwork, create a value based vision & plan & achieve tangible results.  Change isn't easy and a series of small steps brings more successful sustainable results than big sudden leaps and/or challenges.


Pathway sessions are 1:1 via zoom or phone.  You will receive an email prior to your first session that will provide you with more information and any relevant paperwork.


There's a 24 hour cancellation policy for program sessions and sessions will be rescheduled to allow for pathway completion.


The initial pathway session is 90 mins duration & subsequent sessions may vary between 45 - 60 mins duration.


Attributes That Will Bring You Results ...


As a Lifenesse client you are committed to your own progress and development by being 'coachable'.  By doing so you will have self-respect and integrity to your own personal development and growth as well as the quality life you want to create.


Being punctual will maximize your session delivery.    


Open, honest, trusting, clear, transparent and positive communication will enable an amicable professional relationship and enhance your coaching results.

Here's The Lifenesse Policy ...


I personally conduct your sessions with high professional and ethical standards and evidence-based coaching methods and tehniques.  Your privacy is important so your information is confidential. 


I believe in creating an amicable. co-creative, honest, transparent, trusting and respectful conversation with you.


I don't discriminate against your age, gender, ethnicity, culture, sex or disability.


If you're not happy with something, issues are resolved in a positive and constructive way.  Communication & support in between sessions via email is preferred.  


In some situations (if poor health or emotional/mental instability) it may be inappropriate to continue coaching though this will be assessed case by case if it occurs.

Thrive Alive Program
15 Min Call
Thrive Daily Program
Born To Thrive Program
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