Career-Focused People ...
Prevent, Delay Or More Effectively Manage
Type 2 Diabetes
Create Your Best Version Quality Life!
@ lifenesse.com.au

Are You A Busy Career-Focused Person At Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes?
Do You Have Insulin Resistance, Pre-Diabetes Or A Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis?
Would You Like To Live Your Best Life & Enjoy An Independent and Healthful Retirement?
Here Are The Facts ...
Almost 1.3 million Australians are currently living with type 2 Diabetes.
More than 300 Australians develop type 2 Diabetes every day - that's one person every 5 minutes!
And 500,000 Australians are living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 Diabetes.
(Reference: Diabetes Australia - https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/about-diabetes/diabetes-in-australia/)
These are everyday Australians like you and I and who are living their lives in the best way they know how.
However, what most Australians don't know is that once they discover their risk,
they can take positive and sustainable action to prevent and delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes!
To live your life unaware of your risks, to ignore the symptoms of and/or to mismanage type 2 Diabetes
will adversely affect your health, wellbeing and quality of life!
Assess Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk - Click Here!
Check Your Type 2 Diabetes Management Skills - Click Here!

Thanks For Stopping By ...
My highest purpose in life is to co-create with busy career-focused Australians who are 'at risk of'
or who have a type 2 Diabetes diagnosis your best version quality life.
Unlike other' generalists', I have purposefully designed convenient, customized, evidence-based, remote 1:1 health coaching services to help you to create new sustainable health behaviours. By doing so, you can break away from unhealthy habits that increase your risk of and cause you a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Or if you have a type 2 diabetes diagnosis,, I help you to more effectively manage your condition so you can prevent and limit it's complications.
As an ICU nurse, Diabetes educator and patient support specialist, I have had first hand experience at seeing and helping to treat poorly managed type 2 diabetes and it's complications. As a result, I intimately understand the complex challenges of type 2 Diabetes management and the irreversible complications that occur from it's mismanagment. This places me in a prime position to be able to inspire, guide, motivate, facilitate, empower and support all Australians who want to prevent or better manage Type 2 Diabetes.
Being a triple certificated registered nurse & qualified health & wellness coach, I am now on the other side of motherhood and with my own family history I'm also at risk of type 2 diabetes. Healthy eating, physical exercise, plenty of rest and stress-free downtime are central to my own diabetes prevention strategy. My recreational interests include renovating/interior decorating, essential oil/soy candle-making and contemporary singing.
Over the last 40+ years, I've nursed, comforted and healed many people who have sadly neglected to take care of their health. So many unwanted tragic and critical sufferings. And in the last 13+ years I've also supported, motivated and coached many Australians across a wide variety of symptoms and chronic health conditions to assist their improved state of health, wellbeing and quality of life.
My innermost desire is to 'empower' career-focused people to take charge by mastering new and lasting positive lifestyle and healthful behaviours so you can reduce your risk, prevent and/or effectively manage type 2 diabetes. You can directly achieve this with evidence-based health, wellbeing and behaviour change coaching methodology.
As your coach, I bring to your table a world of professional and personal knowledge and experience in:
healthcare & wellbeing;
health behaviour change methodology;
positive & coaching psychology;
risk factor, symptom and type 2 diabetes prevention and management;
nursing, education and pharmacology;
a wide range of methods, techniques and skills I've gained from relevant professional readings, credible courses & resources - check out my most recent professional readings on this website.
By applying all of the above, I can expertly inspire, guide, motivate, facilitate, empower and support you to achieve positive results. I can assist you to confidently step forward along your desired chosen path to more health, wellbeing so you can live your best version quality life.
So, if you want to pro-actively improve your life by reducing your risk, minimizing/controlling your symptoms and delaying type 2 diabetes progression, you need look no further ...
Living a productive, burden-free and quality life can be achieved when you ...
pro-actively reduce risk factors, minimize symptoms and prevent type 2 Diabetes and it's progression!
Too busy Or Don't Have Time?
When you prioritize small amounts of time now and create new sustainable health generating behaviours
you'll gain the confidence, strength and power to live a more healthful and quality life!
Because ...
Your Lifenesse personalized coaching pathway puts you in the drivers seat
so you can achieve your No. 1 health priority(ies) within the context of your busy life!
Here Are The Coaching Outcomes You'll Gain With Your Lifenesse Coaching Pathway: ​
More Insight, Awareness & Understanding Of Your:
Beliefs, Values & Strengths;
Thought Processes;
Reasons Why;
Future Best Version Quality Life Vision Creation;
Future Quality Of Life Direction & Design;
Realistic, Structured & Forward Lifestyle & Disease Management Planning;
Healthy Habit Tips & Tools;
Health Behaviour Change Methods & Distinctions;
The Ability & Permission To Prioritise You;
More Clarity & Focus;
Clear Boundary Setting;
Improved Mindfulness, Presence & Engagement;
Positive Thinking Strategies;
Motivation, Resilience, Accountability & Support;
Overcoming Of Obstacles & Ambivalence;
A Pro-Active Evidence Based & Achievable Health & Wellness Coaching Path Towards Your Best Version Quality Life Prioritising Type 2 Diabetes Prevention & Management.

I'm Curious ...
What Could You Prevent, Minimize Or Manage More Pro-Actively Right Now ?
What Would Add To Or Bring You
More Joy, Independence & Quality In Life?
What Have You Tried In The Past?
What's The Next Small Step That
Will Improve Your Life & Reduce Your Risk
Or Burden Of Type 2 Diabetes?
My Top 5 Inner Core Values
Align With My Role
As Your Coach ...
Discover How My Values Create Your Unique Coaching Experience - Click Here!

My Top Five Strengths
Enhance Our
Coaching Relationship ...
Appreciation Of
Beauty & Excellence
My Strengths Assist Your Best Coaching Experience Hands Down!
Make Quality Life Your No. 1 Priority
When You ...
Reduce Your Risk Or More Effectively Manage Type 2 Diabetes
1:1 Deep Coaching Sessions
Remote Covid-Free - Zoom or Phone
Find Out About Co-Creating More Quality In Your Life - Click Here